For The Little Prince 70 th anniversary, Gallimard, the French publisher, reveals the manuscript!

In this beautiful album you will find a facsimile of the manuscript and its transcription, and many illustrated documents.



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The original edition of The Little Prince is released in April 6, 1943, in New York, where Antoine de Saint- Exupery was exiled a few months after the French debacle of May-June 1940. The writer – pilot has invested heavily in the composition of this unique album , which he  wanted universal. Today, The Little Prince is the literary work the most translated and distributed worldwide.

There are several states of the Little Prince’s text – handwritten , typed or printed – , reflecting different stages of development . The original manuscript and preparatory drawings that Saint -Exupéry had gave to her friend Silvia Hamilton before leaving U.S. soil in spring 1943 are now held by the Morgan Library & Museum in Manhattan. For the first time reproduced, in a luxurious printed on Bible paper volume , they are accompanied by a booklet of transcription and commentary prepared by Alban Cerisier and Delphine Lacroix.

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