If you happen to be in Barcelona on 15 May, the place to be is the Plaça del Rei at 10.30 a.m.  when Ricard Domingo, owner of the Hotel Principal, will be reading passages from The Little Prince in Russian, Catalan and Italian. The event, organised by the El Petit Princep de Catalunya association, highlights the universality of The Little Prince: a little book that brings the whole world together.

If you are in that part of the world and would like to give a reading of the book in a language close to your heart, you can contact the association via this website.

One member of this association of enthusiasts is Jaume. He collects first editions of The Little Prince and will happily travel long distances to unearth a special find. You can read about him, and other collectors, here.

Find out more : http://www.elpetitprincep.org