Successful launch for the series in Spain

In Spanish, the Little Prince is El Principito. Following on from France and Germany, the Little Prince TV series launched in Spain on Sunday 16 October, when Spain’s little princes and princesses met the Little Prince on the Planet of Time. Olivier d’Agay, director of the Saint-Exupéry-d’Agay estate and grandnephew of the author of The Little Prince, was in Spain for the occasion, to interpret the series and its values to the Spanish media. “The Little Prince is the child that Antoine de Saint-Exupéry never ceased to be throughout his life,” he explained.

If you are a Spanish-speaker, visit the Noticias website, where you will find an entire article devoted to the series and an exclusive interview with Olivier d’Agay.

The Little Prince series, screened on Disney Chanel, now has a fantastic website dedicated to the world of the series.