Guy Laliberté and the Little Prince by Ygreck!

Ygreck is a famous caricaturist and painter in Quebec, and also the author of a popular blog on which he regularly posts incisive caricatures inspired by topical events in Quebec.

The spaceflight by Guy Laliberté, the well known Quebec businessman and founder of Cirque du Soleil, was an ideal subject for the artist to tackle in a cartoon rendition of the adventure.

The drawing shows Guy Laliberté in astronaut gear alongside the Little Prince, on the Little Prince’s very own planet. The reference is deliberate: the one and only book Guy Laliberté took with him into space was Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s masterpiece, The Little Prince!

The two figures are both wearing comic red noses, a nod to the Cirque du Soleil, and the Little Prince is, of course, asking the astronaut to draw him a sheep. What Guy Laliberté draws is the portrait of Jean Charest, Prime Minister of Quebec, whose curly hair bears some resemblance to a fleece.

To find out more about Ygreck, visit his blog. And you can also find out about the foundation set up by Guy Laliberté, One Drop.